PT Saraswanti Anugerah Makmur is a national private fertilizer producer that has been involved in the Indonesian fertilizer industry for more than 20 years. Collaborated with several plantation research centers, PT. SAM developed and produced prominent fertilizer with the best inorganic formulation technology that will help to enhance productivity efficiency estimated around 5-30% compared to conventional fertilizer. Currently, PT SAM is able to meet the demand for granulated and briquetted fertilizer with a production capacity of 650,000 tons/year.
NPK Palmo Fertilizer
Palmo is a complete fertilizer containing macro and micronutrients which is enriched with humic and fulvic acids, specifically formulated for palm oil. This fertilizer is a product of combined synthesis technology produced from in depth research and field testing conducted by PT. Saraswanti Anugerah Makmur. Palmo’s innovation helps to provide N (Nitrogen) nutrients which are easily lost due to the evaporation process as ammonia (volatilization), washed as nitrate (leaching), and lost as nitrogen dioxide (denitrification). Specific modification to help prevent the loss of N nutrient, balanced N dissolution process with the dissolution of (P and K) nutrients. Palmo’s composition and formulation are based on in depth soil and leaf research in accordance with the palm oil requirements. Palmo contains humic and fulvic acids which can help to improve the soil structure, activate microorganism (microflora and microfauna), therefore ensure the rhizosphere health and improve the root nutrients absorbance capacity.

NPK PALMO Fertilizer PT Saraswanti Anugerah Makmur
NPK Pukalet Fertilizer
Pukalet was formulated by research analysis, field testing, and based on the knowledge of soil experts who had years of experience working as a rubber plant nutritionist. PUKALET is a complete fertilizer containing macro and micronutrients which enriches humic and fulvic acids, specifically formulated for rubber plants. This fertilizer is a product of fertilization technology formulated by PT. Saraswanti Anugerah Makmur in collaboration with the Rubber plant research center. Pukalet is a compound fertilizer specifically for rubber plants, containing main macro nutrients such as nitrogen (N), phosphor (P), and calcium / kalsium (K). Pukalet contain specific formulations which help to control the slow release of nutrients based on the plantation period of needs, which help to enhance fertilization efficiency.

P NPK PUKALET Fertilizer PT Saraswanti Anugerah Makmur
NPK Koka Fertilizer
In order to anticipate the development of fertilization based on the principle of efficiency and effectivity, therefore PT. Saraswanti Anugerah Makmur had developed fertilizer which was formulated specifically for coffee and cacao plantation, from a series of synthesis research and field testing, which commercialized by the name KOKA. KOKA is a compound fertilizer containing a slow release agent that helps to control the nutrient release with a category of intermediate release, helping to provide nutrients estimated from 5-6 months. KOKA contains a complete nutrient including macro and micronutrients, slow release agent, enriched with humic and fulvic acids. Koka maintains higher efficiency, therefore the doses applied are relatively lower compared to single mixed fertilizer. Koka is shaped in solid briquette, weighing around 1,2 gram/cm3 therefore has a low surface area to weight ratio. Lower ratio and slow release agent containment help to control the nutrient release, KOKA are capable to provide the nutrient estimated around 5-6 months. Therefore, technically KOKA are more efficient to nutrient supply and prevent the nutrient loss due to leaching and volatilization. The humic compounds contained in KOKA help to improve the soil structure and root microflora activity, therefore ensure the rhizosphere health and enhance the root absorbance capacity.

NPK KOKA Fertilizer PT Saraswanti Anugerah Makmur
Halei is a compound fertilizer formulated from a series of research analysis, field testing, based on the knowledge of experts who have years of experience as a sugar cane nutritionist. Halei is a complete fertilizer specifically made for sugar cane plantation, which contain macro and micronutrients, and slow release agent. This fertilizer is capable of releasing nutrients gradually based on the plantation requirement during the growth phase around 6-9 months. Based on PT. Saraswanti Anugerah Makmur expertise in production process, Halei fertilizers are designed to enhance the sugar level and crystal production, tested in almost all Indonesian sugar factories.
The raw materials are carefully selected based on the smart and precise principle. The variety and amount of slow release agents had been analyzed thoroughly in research. The mixing process is carried out by machines and measured ideally to ensure homogeneity. The level of hardness and diversity of briquette in the briquetting process is part of the absolute requirements. Quality assurance conducted by maintaining the production process through the use of mixing machines and calibrated briquetting machines.

NPK HALEI Fertilizer PT Saraswanti Anugerah Makmur
NPK Cornalet Fertilizer
Saraswanti Anugerah Makmur produced a specific fertilizer for corn plantation based on the latest development of the fertilization industry oriented with effectivity and efficiency. Cornalet is a complete fertilizer specifically formulated for sugarcane plantation, containing macro and micronutrient, and slow release agent. The selection of raw materials based on the smart and precise principle. The variety and amount of slow release agent added had been analyzed thoroughly. Mixing process carried out by machines and measures to ensure homogeneity. Certain compacting degree and briquette variety in the briquetting process is a part of absolute requirement for production. Quality assurance conducted by maintaining the production process through mixing machines and calibrated briquetting process, and ensuring the product quality through precise supervising and quality assurance team. Cornalet is a part of slow release compound fertilizer, with a category of intermediate release, the nutrient supply provided for up to 5 months. The nutrient release control to the soil dissolution is the key to efficiency. The effectiveness is determined by the specific formulation for corn plantation. Therefore, Cornalet efficiency and effectiveness are relatively higher than conventional fertilizer. The exceptional factors to Cornalet efficiency are determined by the surface area, compacting degree, and ratio variety of slow release agent. These factors determine the fertilizer nutrient release based on the plantation requirements, therefore optimized and prevent nutrient loss which resulted from: evaporation, erosion, percolation, leaching to be minimized.

NPK CORNALET Fertilizer PT Saraswanti Anugerah Makmur
NPK Saraswanti Fertilizer
The formulation of fine quality fertilizer, R&D division of PT. Saraswanti Anugerah Makmur in collaboration with experts had analyzed, discussed, researched raw material, repetition of trial production, conducted a series of research analysis such as soil testing, plantation testing, both on greenhouse and larger scale.
Since 1999, PT. SAM in collaboration with the sugarcane plantation research center in Pasuruan, Rubber plantation research center in Medan, Coffee and Cacao research center in Jember, and Palm Oil plantation research center in Medan to formulate the best quality of NPK fertilizer.
SAM R&D team supervise the process of soil and leaf sampling to the internal lab analysis, then collecting general information and discussion with potential customers. Therefore, the production is based on the potential customer plantation requires.
The production begins with the selection of equal raw material, mostly sources from import materials. The mixing process was conducted based on the smart and precise principle using the newest instrument and technology.
SAM produces several commercialized NPK briquette products, which has been proven to enhance productivity. The product has received complete legality such as a brand certificate from the Ministry of Law and Security, distribution permits from the ministry of agriculture, SNI from the ministry of industry. These products have been widely circulated on the market under the trade names Halei for sugarcanes plantation, Pukalet for rubber plantation, Koka for coffee and cacao plantation, Palmo for palm oil plantation, and has been massively applied to many palm oil plantations.
The quality control and measurement had been carried out precisely by accredited internal laboratories which therefore ensured that NPK fertilizer produced by PT. Saraswanti Anugerah Makmur homogeneity and precisely formulated to enhance the plantation productivity.
Currently, PT. Saraswanti Anugerah Makmur supplies more than 500 consumers for both NPK briquettes and NPK Granules. Most of the companies are well-known palm oil plantation corporations and small commodities of non-palm oil.
Considering larger demand from the market, and the wider distribution area, aside from East Java, PT. SAM had increased the capacity and built new production units in palm oil plantation centers outside of Java island, such as North Sumatera and Central Kalimantan. The efficiency of a wider distribution area, helps to meet the demand of a larger scale of customer.
SAM professional management of production and distribution ensures the satisfactory variety of customers demand with high quality control. Therefore, PT. SAM had recorded a significant increase in sales number.
Currently, PT. SAM is capable of selling 400 thousand tons per year. However, the total sales estimated only 5% of NPK fertilizer requirement for palm oil plantation in Indonesia.
Saraswanti Anugerah Makmur’s experience of more than 20 years in the fertilizer industry has led to development of high quality products and will continue to strive for better service and product to provide for agricultural sectors in Indonesia.