SAMF Sales Reach Three Trillion

There are indications that the demand for fertilizers is increasing sharply from year to year, making PT Saraswanti Anugerah Makmur Tbk (SAMF) re-establish cooperation with EuroChem, an agricultural chemicals company, to secure the procurement of fertilizer raw materials for 2023.

“The strategy for securing raw materials for 2023 is an effort to anticipate global conditions, which are still in recovery, and the trend of demand for fertilizers which is still very high today. It is hoped that through these efforts, our focus on integrated plantation services can be realized soon, which will provide better profit, better cash flow, and ultimately increase added value for stakeholders.” Said Ir. Yahya Taufik, President Director of the Company.

SAMF’s good performance is reflected in its growing profits. In line with revenue growth and the rise of the fertilizer business throughout 2022, SAMF’s sales achievement reached at Rp3.68 trillion, far exceeding the sales target of Rp2.88 trillion, or recording an increase in sales growth of around 99% compared to 2021 sales of Rp1.85 trillion.

The achievement of SAMF’s total production in 2022 is due to the company’s ability to ensure factory reliability, guaranteed raw material supply, and distribution reliability in terms of both raw materials and products amid global economic uncertainty.

“So it is expected, with the certainty of fertilizer raw materials, the production process will run smoothly, and we will be able to fulfill fertilizer demand during 2023, which continues to experience a significant increase. In line with revenue growth and the rise of the fertilizer business that is increasingly shining, in 2023, SAMF targets sales growth to increase by around 20% to Rp4.4 trillion.” Said Ir. Yahya Taufik. (*)

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PT Saraswanti Anugerah Makmur Tbk