PALMO NPK Fertilizer. Special Fertilizer for Oil Palm

PALMO is a complete fertilizer that contains macro nutrients and micro nutrients and enriched with humic and fulvic acids, specially formulated for oil palm. This fertilizer is a product of fertilization technology in collaboration between PT Saraswanti Anugerah Makmur and the Palm Oil Research Center (PPKS). PALMO innovation overcomes the properties of the N element which is very easily lost due to evaporating as ammonia (volatilization), leached as nitrate (leaching), and disappeared as nitrogen dioxide gas (denitrification). Special engineering was conducted so that the rate of N loss could be suppressed, as well as the rate of N leachability balanced against the leachability of other fertilizer elements (P and K). PALMO’s composition and formulation are based on the results of soil and leaf analysis that are tailored to the needs of oil palms. PALMO is enriched with humic & fulvic acids that can improve soil structure, activate microorganisms (microflora & microfauna), so that the rhizosphere becomes healthy and also increase the capacity of roots to absorb nutrients.

  • The formulation is specific for oil palm plants and is flexible (tailor made fertilizer / changeable as ordered).
  • Formulation, composition and dosage are set by PPKS based on the principle of nutrient output – input balance as well as considering the results of soil and leaf analysis.
  • Briquette-shaped and contains slow-release ingredients for nutrient availability up to 6 (six) months or intermediate release.
  • More efficient than single fertilizers and other fertilizers in prill or granule form.
  • Save application costs as it is only applied twice a year or every 6 (six) months.
  • Nutrient loss to the environment can be reduced, making it safer for the environment.
  • Complete nutrient content (N, P, K, Mg, Ca, S and micro elements) and enriched with humic & fulvic acids.
  • More efficient, effective and produces more fertile, healthy plants and higher production.
  • Applied once every 6 (six) months
  • Placed 10-15 cm deep around the plant with a radius of half the crown of the stem (pocket system)

PALMO is in the form of briquettes weighed 1.2 – 1.5 g and consists of:

  • Macronutrients: N, P, K, Mg plus Ca & S
  • Trace Elements: B, Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn
  • Enriched with Humic & Fulvic Acid
  • Slow-release agent with sufficient levels for intermediate release
