Welcoming Eid al-Adha 1445 H
Welcoming Eid al-Adha 1445 H, Saraswanti Group's Fertilizer Division, again...

Groceries distribution to celebrate Ramadan 1445H by PT Saraswanti Anugerah Makmur Tbk.
Celebrating Ramadhan 1445H, Saraswanti Group's Fertilizer Division distributed...

Factory Opening of PT Saraswanti Anugerah Indonesia NPK Fertilizer and PT Anugerah Dolomit Indonesia Dolomite Factory in Mempawah.
Factory Opening of PT Saraswanti Anugerah Indonesia NPK Fertilizer and PT Anugerah...

Saraswanti Group Fertilizer Division Marketing Team builds togetherness and cohesiveness while playing Golf
Saraswanti Group Fertilizer Division Marketing Team builds togetherness and...

PT Saraswanti Anugerah Makmur Tbk CSR – Medan Production Unit
PT Saraswanti Anugerah Makmur Tbk - Medan Production Unit’s CSR providing clean water...

PT Anugerah Pupuk Lestari CSR to Madrasah Al Wasliyah, Dalu XA Sei Belumai village
PT Anugerah Pupuk Lestari CSR handover to Madrasah Al Wasliyah of Dalu XA Sei Belumai...

Formulasi Pupuk Anorganik Tingkatkan Efisiensi Pemupukan
Ringkasan Tindakan pemupukan pada kondisi lahan yang terkendala oleh iklim bercurah hujan tinggi...

Jenis-jenis Pupuk NPK Divisi Pupuk Saraswanti Group
PT. Saraswanti Anugerah Makmur merupakan produsen pupuk swasta nasional yang sudah berkecimpung...

Pupuk NPK Briket & Granul untuk Kelapa Sawit
Pemupukan pada budidaya perkebunan kelapa sawit seringkali membutuhkan biaya sekitar 50-60% dari...

Pupuk NPK, Fungsi & Manfaatnya
Pengertian Pupuk NPK Pupuk NPK adalah pupuk yang memilik kandungan tiga unsur hara makro, yaitu...
PT Saraswanti Anugerah Makmur is an NPK Fertilizer manufacturer with more than 20 years of experience in the Indonesian fertilizer business. PT SAM produces research-based fertilizer products so that it can produce products with special formulas for specific regions according to soil properties, crop needs, expert recommendations, and consumer demand. To produce superior products, the production process at PT SAM begins with selecting quality raw materials, whose mixing process is carried out carefully in the correct order, using the latest technological instruments.
PT SAM produces several NPK fertilizer products, which have been proven to support high production. The products have complete legality: such as a Brand Certificate from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, a Distribution Permit from the Ministry of Agriculture, and an SNI from the Ministry of Industry. The products are now circulating under the trade names HALEI for sugarcane, PUKALET for rubber, KOKA for coffee and cocoa, PALMO & PUPINDO for palm oil, FERTINDO and PHONIKA for various crops. These products have been applied on a large scale in various large plantations in Indonesia and have proven to support high production.

AMG Tower, 20th Floor, Jl. Dukuh Menanggal 1-A, Gayungan, Surabaya 60234, Jawa Timur.
Phone: +62-31 82516888, Fax: +62-31 82516555
Centennial Tower, 29th G Floor,
Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 24 - 25, Jakarta 12930
Phone: +62-21 22958480
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