Fertilizer is one of the variables that has a high demand. Based on Central Bureau of Statistics notes (2014), according to the agricultural area, the fertilizer needed in Indonesia reaches about 15-27 million ton/ha/year. Otherwise, national fertilizer production allocation capability has only reached 8-10 million ton/ha/year or about 40-50 percent from the total need. There is still a fertilizer supply demand gap. It is known that for an agrarian country, fertilizer has an important role in the economy. Obstacles and distractions in the fertilizer procurement stage will potentially threaten national development stability.
Lately it has been widely reported in both printed or electronic media about illegal fertilizer infiltration in agricultural areas. Fertilizer counterfeiting that has been distributed troubling the people. Fertilization problems in Indonesia indicate it still has a relatively low efficiency. The usage of counterfeit fertilizer for plant cultivation that was not identified early enough, will cause more complex problems, not only about inefficiency, declining operating income, law problems, but also caused environmental damage. Therefore, fertilizer counterfeiting problems that are not handled properly can cause huge losses.
The presence of illegal fertilizer, especially counterfeit fertilizer intentionally invented by irresponsible people with the aim of gaining profits. In Indonesia, counterfeit fertilizer problems often happen because of 2 main triggering factors, that is; fertilizer price disparity problem and high fertilizer demand. Fertilizer price difference for the same kind of fertilizer, that is subsidized and unsubsidized fertilizer used as a way to make a profit. Fertilizer supply-demand gap conditions show the potential for huge market opportunities. This condition is exacerbated by the fertilizer needs being in a narrow time period (fertilization season), the need is frequent and there is often a scarcity of fertilizer. The other factors, fertilizer counterfeiting, are also probably driven by the ease of the fertilizer production process and the abundance of raw materials that can be used to counterfeited fertilizer.
Various efforts, either preventive or repressive, from the security to suppress illegal fertilizer and counterfeit fertilizer have been done. Fertilizer trade control measures and regulatory regulations in the fertilization field and its legal foundation continues to be refined. But fertilizer counterfeiting still often occurs, like there’s no deterrent effect. Preventive action through counterfeit fertilizer early detection seems like the most effective way. So many methods to detect counterfeit fertilizer, from simple methods to the more modern method. Casoustics study about fertilizer counterfeiting should be used as an experience to determine the right method or identification way.
This article aimed to retrieve information about the usage and distribution of counterfeit fertilizer with operational modus that often occur in the field and efforts that can be made to identify, know, and differentiate between the real fertilizer and the counterfeit one. Besides that, also explained the overview of the effect of using counterfeit fertilizer toward productivity and the agribusiness losses.
The Definition of Counterfeit Fertilizer and Its Legal Basis
To differentiate between real fertilizer and illegal fertilizer, then it should start with the fertilizer definition understanding first. The definition of fertilizer is a material in the form of solids, liquids, or gasses containing nutrients needed and useful for plants. Engelstad (1989) stated that the meaning of fertilizer is not only the physical form, content, and its benefit, but also the important one is that fertilizer is the one that is not poisonous. For example, wood fulfills physical requirements and contains nutrients, but the nutrients can’t be utilized, so wood can’t be categorized as fertilizer. The other example is Borax with high levels and doses that can cause the plant that was given the material to suffer damage due to poisoning. Then it should be that material for that moment can’t be categorized as fertilizer.
Based on the Kepmentan No.237/Kpts/OT.2010/4/2003, about Guidelines for Supervising the Procurement, Distribution, and the Use of Inorganic Fertilizers, counterfeit fertilizer defined as fertilizer which content and quality are not appropriate with the label or fertilizer that its brand, container, packaging, and or label imitates other fertilizers that has been distributed legally. Then, the definition of illegal fertilizer is the fertilizer that is not registered or has expired the registration number assigned or not labeled fertilizer. At least, the label should contain brand name, nutrient content, content or net weight of the goods, distribution period, rules of use/how to use, name and address of the manufacturer. Also explained that fertilizer is categorized as illegal fertilizer if fulfill several criteria; (a) not equipped with documents as per regulations, (b) unauthorized fertilizer production methods, and (c) counterfeit fertilizer does not match the quality. Real fertilizer that is appropriate to the specification, can be categorized as illegal fertilizer if the fertilizer is not equipped with valid licensing documents or the real fertilizer that has met the quality produced with unauthorized production method, for example the non-subsidized NPK fertilizer production used subsidized fertilizer raw material.
The legal basis about fertilizer management is implementation of UU No 12 Tahun 1992, about plant cultivation system, followed by PP No 8 Tahun 2001, about plant cultivation fertilizer management and several Kepmentan such as No.02/Pert./HK.060/2/2006 and No.237/Kpts/OT.2010/4/2003 about Guidelines for Supervising the Procurement, Distribution, and the Use of Fertilizers. It is known that fertilizer is one of the production facilities that has an important role in increasing productivity and quality of plant cultivation yield. Then, to fulfill the quality standard and guaranteed fertilizer effectiveness, the fertilizer that has been produced must come from an engineered formula that has been tested for its quality and effectiveness. Then the distributed fertilizer for use in the agricultural sector must be registered and fulfill the quality standard or minimal technical requirements.
A. Counterfeit Fertilizer Distribution
Accurate data information about the quantity and distribution of national fertilizer counterfeiting not known with certainty. Reporting of an empirically conducted activity about illegal fertilizer is very minimal, and even if there are, the results are almost rarely exposed in a legal report. This is because fertilizer counterfeiting is an illegal action that violates the law. Fertilizer counterfeiting operations carried out in a hidden, secretive manner, doing everything possible to trick the people and government officials and also commonly fertilizer counterfeiting is well-organized. So, the fertilizer counterfeiting data that were collected in the field were more casoustic in nature. But it is commonly found that counterfeit fertilizer distribution patterns occur around the location of agricultural centers. Then, fertilizer counterfeiting increases if its near plant cultivation fertilization season.
Based on the acoustic data, fertilizing counterfeiting findings in Indonesia spread over a very wide range. Illegal fertilizer distribution map in Indonesia shown in Image 1. The counterfeit fertilizer usage was found starting from the westernmost region that is Aceh Province until in the eastern region that is Central Sulawesi and South Sulawesi Province. In Sumatra, counterfeit fertilizer findings many are found in North Sumatra Province (Medan, Rantang, Hamparan Perak, Brastagi), Riau (Siak, Bengkalis dan Kampar), Padang (Solok, Padang, Payakumbuh), and Lampung (Bandar Lampung). Then, in Kalimantan Island similar acoustic findings were recorded in West Kalimantan Province (Sintang, Sekadau and Ketapang) and in East Kalimantan Province (Balikpapan and Berau). In Sulawesi Island, fertilizer counterfeiting found in Kaloka, Central Sulawesi and in Enrekang, South Sulawesi. It is known that in those regions commonly are the central production of agriculture and plantations.
Acoustic findings of fertilizer counterfeiting are mostly sound in Java Island, that the distribution starts from West Java until East Java. This island commonly used to become a fertilizer counterfeiting site, because not only known to become the national agricultural production center, but also known to become a gathering place for top fertilizer producers. Actually, counterfeit fertilizer is not only produced and marketed in the same region with its distribution, but the counterfeit fertilizer mobilization also occurs inter-city, inter-districts, inter-provincial and even inter-island. Counterfeit fertilizer is also found in remote agricultural areas, which have minimal information on the development of agricultural technology in the region.
B. Fertilizer Counterfeiting Modus
There are several modus on counterfeiting fertilizer and illegal fertilizer operation. According to case data research in the field, fertilizer counterfeiting can be categorized based on: illegal licensing, brand packaging and quality specification counterfeiting. Based on UU No 12 Tahun 1998 and PP No 8 Tahun 2001 about fertilizer management, fertilizer produced by individuals or legal entities has to fulfill licensing requirements from the local area, guidelines and Ministry of Industry and Commerce of Indonesia technical standards, Ministry of Agriculture and Indonesia National Standard (SNI) distribution licensing. Case data in the field shows that distributed fertilizer has been in legal problems due to the fact that it does not have factory operational licensing (Mojokerto, East Java) and does not have SNI (Sekadau, West Kalimantan; Semarang, Central Java and Bengkulu).
Despite the fertilizer brand problems often categorized as fertilizer licensing problems, the brand counterfeiting case is still often specific. The change of original brand name with other similar original written brand, or logo symbol or company name in the fertilizer packaging often found in fertilizer counterfeiting. For example the original brand lettering PHONSKA written PONSKAH or PHOSKAH with similar element content in the original fertilizer (Kolaka-Central Sulawesi, Tulungagung, Blitar-East Java, Boyolali, Central Java). Some cases are found with the cow-head logo changed to goat-logo with the same brand (Kolaka-Central Sulawesi, Enrekang-South Sulawesi). In several places found that fertilizer counterfeiting is done by changing fertilizer content with another fertilizer with different physical and chemical characteristics in the same packaging and brand label.
The most commonly found fertilizer counterfeiting is quality specification counterfeiting modus. Various ways and deliberate efforts to cause the content of fertilizers produced not in accordance with the specs are carried out by means of; substituting with similar material, mixing with other materials, and fertilizer blatching. The point is that fertilizer counterfeiting causes the quality to decrease, so that the unit price of nutrients becomes cheaper. Fertilizer nutrient content from laboratory analysis results that do not match commonly lower than the spec written in the package can be categorized as counterfeit fertilizer.
C. Types of Counterfeited Fertilizer
Types of counterfeited fertilizer is artificial fertilizer type and commonly is from inorganic fertilizer. Case data shows that almost rarely recorded or reported about the occurrence of fertilizer counterfeiting for organic or biological fertilizer. It is known that NPK macronutrients inorganic artificial fertilizer is fertilizer that has the ability to quickly and significantly influence the increase of productivity so that it is much needed by agriculture users. Besides that, inorganic fertilizer price disparity with the high profit potential become interesting things for fertilizer counterfeiting users seeking maximum profit. The other things that trigger the inorganic fertilizer counterfeiting is the frequent fertilizer scarcities as a result of demand-supply deficit and the simultaneous demand for fertilizer.
Almost all of legal distributed inorganic fertilizer, either single or compound fertilizer has been counterfeited. Case data shows that subsidized fertilizer type is the most counterfeited fertilizer, that is single fertilizer; Urea and ZA (N type fertilizer) and SP36 (P type fertilizer) and compound fertilizer NPK that is Phonska. Besides subsidized fertilizers that are widely counterfeited in the field is KCL single fertilizer. Another fertilizer that is casually found in the field is NPK compound fertilizer that is not according to quality specifications.
Counterfeit fertilizer or fertilizer with nutritional content that is not up to standard is commonly found in subsidized counterfeit fertilizer. Urea fertilizer ((NH2)2CO and ZA ((NH4)2SO4) that often faces scarcity in the field, counterfeited the content by copped or partially mixed with other ingredients that has physical characteristics especially relatively similar color, such as lime (CaCO3), dolomite (Ca Mg (CO3)2), white clay and tapioca starch ingredients. The urea or ZA mixing with coping materials will decrease N content in the counterfeited urea, then price per kilogram of the coping materials is cheaper than Urea or ZA. The other case which has been widely reported about illegal fertilizer for urea and ZA is redirection from subsidized urea to non-subsidized urea, either has been done by direct sales at the plantation level or the founding of fertilizer producers that produce non-subsidized NPK fertilizer.
Fertilizer counterfeiting for P and K elements, technically found in the field, is similar to N fertilizer, which is fertilizer substitution and mixing with similar materials. SP36 fertilizer with gray-black color is counterfeited by the mixing of fertilizer material with soil or black clay, a mixture of charcoal and rock phosphate. While KCL fertilizer is commonly counterfeited by NaCl salt that the particle size and structure physically is similar, that is in crystalline form. It is known that naturally there are red-colored KCl (Belarus KCl, white-colored (Cambodia and Laos KCl), and the mixing of white and red-colored (Canada KCl). Red-colored KCL fertilizer counterfeiting commonly counterfeited by the mixing of NaCl added with red clay. While white KCl can be directly counterfeited by substituting NaCl or partially mixed. It is known that NaCl price per kilogram is cheaper than KCl price.
Macro NPK fertilizer counterfeiting cases commonly about brand problems, quality, and licensing legality. The brand problems are about brand substitution or fertilizer content substitution. In the sacks packaging, counterfeit NPK fertilizer commonly filled by physically similar color and grain size material. This quality composition of NPK fertilizer counterfeiting materials is relatively lower than NPK quality written in the packaging. Illegal NPK fertilizer case mostly found due to the incomplete licensing document. Latest technological developments on dose measurement and NPK fertilizer specs based on soil and leaf analysis result and also fertilizer production ability that can produce NPK fertilizer according to the demand (by order, tailor mode) has produced so many N, P, K element composition variations in fertilizer specs. NPK compound fertilizer quality is often doubted and slow licensing completion processes often become these fertilizer constraints to face illegal fertilizer finding. As it is known that fertilizer distribution that regulated licensing based on UU No 12 tahun 1989 and PP No 8 tahun 2003 about fertilizer quality explanation is according to SNI for the main specs and special spec as per customized order (by order, tailor mode) regulated based on fertilizer registration as in Ministry of Agriculture regulation No. 49/KPTS/Deptan/2013. Doesn’t follow the requirements and provisions of the regulations can be categorized as counterfeit fertilizer.
D. Counterfeit Fertilizer Identification
Fertilizer counterfeiting had been carried out in a variety of cases. The use of case data and findings of counterfeit products on the market help to enhance understanding in identifying counterfeit fertilizer. Counterfeit products can be easily identified with simple methods, however there are also some which are difficult to differentiate from the original product, therefore requiring specific and complex methods. Technology in the field of chemical analysis to detect fertilizer nutrients has been developed to help accurately identify fertilizer’s originality. Therefore, understanding of counterfeit products based on real case study and technique of identification can be proceeded by using: visual observation, chemical quick test analysis, and chemical analysis methods in the laboratory.
Technically, observation of counterfeit products directly is not easy to conduct. The basis of counterfeit products did not consist of characteristics such as physical or chemical specific standards. The production or counterfeiting is processed by mixing different types of materials, to lower most of the counterfeit nutrients. Therefore, identifying counterfeit products directly is only possibly accurate by identifying the standard characteristics of the original product in order to determine the deviation or shift of quality from the authentic standards. On the 1st table, stated that some of the physical and chemical characteristics of several varieties of product which frequently counterfeited. Each type of fertilizer consists of specific characteristics.
The characteristics contained by each fertilizers as markers for the product authenticity. However, among some of the physical characteristics, each fertilizer may contain specific marks which can be observed directly to determine counterfeited products.

Tabel1 : Ciri dan karakteristik fisik dan kimia masing-masing jenis pupuk anorganik
Technically, observation of counterfeit products directly is not easy to conduct. The basis of counterfeit products did not consist of characteristics such as physical or chemical specific standards. The production or counterfeiting is processed by mixing different types of materials, to lower most of the counterfeit nutrients. Therefore, identifying counterfeit products directly is only possibly accurate by identifying the standard characteristics of the original product in order to determine the deviation or shift of quality from the authentic standards. On the 1st table, stated that some of the physical and chemical characteristics of several varieties of product which frequently counterfeited. Each type of fertilizer consists of specific characteristics.
The characteristics contained by each fertilizers as markers for the product authenticity. However, among some of the physical characteristics, each fertilizer may contain specific marks which can be observed directly to determine counterfeited products.
D.1. Visual Observation
Visual observation of product to identify counterfeit product carried out by observing the packaging and technical observation to the physical characteristics of the authentic product. These two parameters aligned and proved the claim that fertilizer had been counterfeited. Marks or clues from the counterfeit product packaging usually contain deviations of physical and chemical characteristics from the original or authentic product.
Visual observation of counterfeit products is the first process to identify counterfeit products. Physical parameters in sack packaging served as clues to counterfeit observations such as: the material of sack quality, labeling and stitching quality of the sack, used sack and poor quality of stitching of the sacks. The labels of the sack must contain several information such as brand names/trademark, nutrients information, net weight or contents, distribution period, usage direction, name and address of the producers. Each labeling parameters that are easily counterfeited such as: brand names, company logo, and company name.
Visual observation physically to counterfeit products usually proceed by comparing the observation result with the standard characteristics of the authentic products. The most important factors in physical observation are observed carefully the physical characteristics as marks or clues of each fertilizers. The physical clues of Urea’s fertilizer such as color, volatilization, ammoniac scent and hygroscopic characteristics, although currently lower nutrient levels of Urea’s fertilizer has been developed compared to the conventional Urea. Subsidized urea fertilizer has pink color, while non-subsidized has white color. KCI fertilizer contains some physical characteristics such as shaped in crystals and slight saltiness. However, there is still evidence that KCI fertilizer is easily counterfeited by using NaCi which makes it hard to differentiate. Similar indication found in SP36 fertilizer, which does not contain any physical characteristics which are therefore difficult to observe physically. NPK fertilizers which contain three integrated nutrients physically are relatively difficult to counterfeit. However, under the condition of NPK fertilizer with high composition of K nutrients usually contain organoleptic substances which result in saltiness.
D.2. Chemical Analysis Quick Test
Advances in the technology of chemical analysis of elements with quick test results have helped in the identification of counterfeit fertilizers. Chemical analysis of elements not only can be done in one laboratory room, but also can also be done in the field. Quick test chemical analysis of elements in the field has a relatively quicker completion process than chemical analysis that is conducted in laboratories with quite accurate results. Chemical analysis of element methods in the field is very suitable to identify the fertilizer counterfeiting.
Counterfeit fertilizer identification with chemical analysis quick test methods can use the test device that has been developed and implemented commercially, that is Fertilizer Test Device (PUP) engineering results of Bogor Soil Research Center and NPK-Meter test device from Nurkamari. Element type that can be analyzed by this device is limited to analyzing NPK macro elements only and still has not yet invented its ability to analyze other elements needed by plants. PUP is invented to help roughnecks and farmers in detecting fertilizer analysis faster, with quite accurate results, and at a cheap price in the field. This device is the simplification of the fertilizer analysis method in the laboratory with estimation of measurements of quantitative elements within a certain interval of values. The device working principle is to extract NPK elements contained in fertilizer that the analyze process needs for about 30 minutes. Even though the analysis result is not as accurate as laboratory chemical analysis results, the fast and accurate analysis results can help fertilizer supervision to take the needed action. Fertilizer Test Device can be seen in Image 2.
D.3. Analisa Kimia
D.3. Laboratory Chemical Analysis
Nutrient chemical analysis in the laboratory is one of the best ways to identify counterfeited products with high accuracy results. Identification of all the materials contained in fertilizer, both macro or micro inorganic nutrients can be detected by using these methods. The results of the analysis are highly credible and accurate, with a relatively reasonable price. Chemical analysis methods help to identify quality deviation of counterfeit products with a missed accuracy rate at 0,05. The principle process of this method is to extract the nutrient material of the sample counterfeit with specific chemical extraction based on the types of material analyzed and quantitatively measured.
Problems of counterfeit identification are still found on the market even by using laboratory analysis methods. General factors that hinders the identification of the process is completion time, sampling, selection of laboratory, and tolerated limit of analysis result.
D.3.1 Chemical analysis completion time
laboratory chemical analysis proceeds by following several methods including preparation of samples, sample mass determination, preparation, extraction and measurement. The duration required to complete the chemical analysis is estimated from 5-7 days. Meanwhile, counterfeit observation on the market requires a fast-paced process to ensure the risk mitigation and accurate policies applied.
D.3.2. Representative Sampling
Laboratory chemical analysis towards specific samples will determine the chemical characteristics. Fertilizer usage is mainly volumenus, therefore the result of chemical nutrient analysis depends on the good and accurate sample selection. The example of a good sample of fertilizer are the one’s which represented the population. Samplings are conducted by using specific methods by professional experience experts in the field. As of now, the National Standardization Council has conducted seminars for the productive age population to produce professional experts. These experts will then be distributed to nation-wide accredited laboratories such as sucofindo, Soil research center, Agriculture Technology analysis Centers.
D.3.3 Accredited Chemical Laboratory
There are many accredited chemical laboratories which are capable of analyzing fertilizer nutrients both on a private or governmental scale in Indonesia. According to SNI, credible laboratorium are the ones which are credited on a national scale. Unfortunately, not all laboratories capable of analyzing chemical nutrients of fertilizer are credited on a national scale. In order to minimize missed-analyze risk, laboratory analyses are suggested to be conducted in accredited laboratories which have clear legality.

Tabel 2: Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) untuk kandungan unsur & batas toleransi masing-masing jenis pupuk
D.3.4 Nutrients Quality Tolerance Limitation
The tolerance limit of nutrients contained in fertilizer is the limitation of nutrients resulting from chemical analysis processes. Tolerance value of fertilizer based on SNI stated at the 2nd Table. The tolerance limit values are important to be understood by fertilization actors in order to minimize doubtness and different opinions of related actors. In specific cases, tolerance limit values are determined by the agreement of related actors (consumer and producer) which are usually written in a form of Letter of Agreement (LoA).
The Effect of Counterfeit Fertilizer Usage Toward Agricultural Business
Technically, the main problem of fertilizer counterfeiting is that the nutrient inside the fertilizer isn’t in accordance with the specified quality spec. Related to the function and benefits of fertilization, there are two important things that affect from the fertilizer counterfeiting that is the decrease of nutrient quality or also the omission of counterfeited nutrient content, and also the presence of other material that is intentionally added to substitute counterfeited nutrients. If undetected counterfeited fertilizer is applied to the cultivation plant, it can be sure that the fertilizer won’t give benefit and technically there will be fertilization inefficiency and probably cause environmental damage. Fertilization inefficiency caused by counterfeit fertilizer usage will at least be detrimental in terms of; fertilization duration, productivity decrease, and income decrease.
The effect of counterfeit fertilizer usage to the plant that has been already applied to the plant can’t be recognized quickly. Plant response to the fertilizer performance takes time in line with the physiological growth of the plant. In the first step, counterfeit fertilizer usage to the plant will be marked by nutritional deficiency symptoms according to the counterfeit element, then, continued plant growth stagnation symptoms become abnormal. For seasonal plants, such as rice and secondary crops, the effect of counterfeit fertilizer seems to be noticeable at the earliest after the plant reaches 1 month of age. For annual plants, counterfeit fertilizer usage can be noticeable a little bit longer, especially can be noticed in production gains results. Counterfeit fertilizer usage anticipation by adding extra fertilizer often becomes inefficient caused by the inappropriate absorption of nutrients with physiological plant growth patterns due to fertilization delay.
Nutrient reduction effect in fertilization application to the plantation crops has already been done. For palm tree, Warrior and Piggot (1973) reported that palm tree which suffered NK nutrient malfunction has decrease fresh bunch productivity for about 10-25 from the maximum potential, the same resulted stated by Caliman et al. (1994) that fertilizer reduction application by 50 from the fertilizer optimal needs has caused malnutrition and significant production decrease by 30 from the maximum potential. N nutrient decrease by 32 from its optimal condition caused by the fertilization reduction application has decreased palm production until 25 from its normal potential (Chan et al, 1993). On sugarcane plants, stated by Usman, 1997 that P fertilization reduction in sugarcane plants has decreased P nutrient in the leaf by 25 and sugar production by 22 than its normal potential. Then Pawirosemadi (1994) stated that N fertilizer dose decrease by 50 from its optimal dose has decreased sugarcane weight by 35 than its maximum result.
Counterfeit fertilizer usage can mess up recommended dose usage planning. The decrease or also omission of nutritional content in fertilizer will cause physiological plant growth disrupted and may even lead to crop failure. Just like the report from farmers in production centers, urea fertilizer usage that is counterfeited by starch and dolomite mixing in Jombang-East Java has decreased dry grain yield by 45 and in Tuban-East Java has decreased by 65 from its normal potential. Farmers in Jepara-East Java reported that counterfeit KCL usage mixed with NaCl mixing agent has caused rice crops to experience crop failure. Blitar reported that counterfeit urea usage caused corn production to decrease by 70 from its normal potential. While for an annual plant, even though there is still less data reported, the effect of counterfeit fertilizer usage will decrease production gain after 6-12 months next harvest time period.
One example of fertilizer counterfeiting that potentially causes environmental damage is KCL fertilizer counterfeiting using NaCl substitution material, a case study in Jepara, East Java. Fertilizer counterfeiting substitution material, in this case NaCl, has potential characteristics to damage soil physical properties to become less beneficial for soil media. Natrium in the soil can cause dispersion reactions that damage soil structures so soil becomes compacted and in dry soil moisture conditions, the soil becomes very hard, difficult for roots to penetrate.
Counterfeit fertilizer usage effect to the productivity decrease and agricultural production will be in line with the effect toward the gain decrease to a loss-making level of plantation scale. Farmers that use counterfeit fertilizer at least will face cost loss due to fertilizer purchase cost, wasted fertilizer application costs and decrease in the cost of residual income. Loss of economic values caused by counterfeit fertilizer usage at national level still not yet well recorded because it is not yet known for certain counterfeit fertilizer absorption quantities in domestic markets. However, other agrarian countries reported that losses due to counterfeit fertilizer usage are quite big. Vietnam reported that country losses due to counterfeit fertilizer usage reached 2 million american dollars (Vanbe, 2014). Then Uganda reported that counterfeit fertilizer absorption in their agricultural area reached 10-15 from its total fertilizer need and caused national losses by 3,5 million dollars (Yiwa, 2015). Then Indonesia Crops life reported that national losses due to counterfeit agricultural chemical usage in 2010 – 2012 reached 400-700 billion rupiah
Conclusion and Suggestion
- Illegal fertilizer and fertilizer counterfeiting in Indonesia, often found in the field, is influenced by considerable need for fertilizer and price disparity between subsidized and unsubsidized fertilizer. Counterfeit fertilizer distribution occurs in agricultural production center areas over a wide range from western Indonesia to eastern Indonesia. Fertilizer counterfeiting case in the field more commonly found in Java Island as production center basis and national agricultural center.
- Subsidized inorganic fertilizer that is urea, SP36, Phonska, and non subsidized KCL is type of macro nutrient fertilizer that commonly counterfeited with several counterfeiting operational modus such as by total or partial substitution, that caused nutrient quality decrease.
- Counterfeit fertilizer identification can be done in a simple way, by physical packaging visual observation, labeling, and fertilizer physical characteristics compared to counterfeited fertilizer standard characteristics. Chemical analysis quick test method and chemical analysis in laboratory has quite high accuration level on identifying counterfeit fertilizer. Fertilizer sampling guideline, accredited laboratory selection, and the nutritional tolerance limits of SNI understanding is a useful support tool in overcoming fertilizer identification problems.
- Counterfeit fertilizer usage has caused inefficiency in special cultivation plant fertilization management in terms of delay period, productivity decrease, and income decrease that can cause business losses in agriculture. Agricultural productivity decrease due to counterfeit fertilizer usage can lower the yield above 50 than its potential and even to crop failure. In several conditions, counterfeit fertilizer usage potentially damages the environment.
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PUPUK PALSU : PENYEBARAN, IDENTIFIKASI DAN DAMPAKNYA TERHADAP USAHA PERKEBUNAN Oleh : Mohamad Mulyadi dan M. Edi Premono (PT. Saraswanti Anugerah Makmur – Saraswanti Group) Disampaikan pada acara Seminar Nasional Efisensi Pemupukan PT Riset Perkebunan Nusantara Indonesia 31 Maret-1 April 2016, Depasar-Bali