The stable high price of palm oil causes the demand for fertilizer to become increasingly unstoppable. The increasing demand has prompted PT Saraswanti Anugerah Makmur Tbk (SAMF) to be on the alert by anticipating the supply of raw materials so that SAMF can meet the need for fertilizer.

To ensure the availability of raw materials, SAMF officially cooperates with one of the distributors of KCL/MOP fertilizers, CHAMPA INTERNATIONAL Pte. Ltd, based in Singapore, to safeguard raw material needs throughout 2022.

Securing the need for raw materials for KCL/MOP as much as 75,000MT is intended for one of SAMF’s subsidiaries, namely PT Anugerah Pupuk Makmur (APM). The raw materials will be sent from Laos via Vietnam to the APM factory in Sampit, Central Kalimantan.

Andreas Adhi Harsanto as Director of Operations of SAMF, accompanied by Ir. Yahya Taufik as President Director of SAMF, and R.A Prityaswari S as President Director of CHAMPA INTERNATIONAL Pte. Ltd., has signed a Sale and Purchase Cooperation Agreement on Monday, December 6, 2021, at the Head Office of PT Saraswanti Anugerah Makmur Tbk, AMG Tower, Surabaya.

With the signing of this collaboration, Ir Yahya Taufik hopes that he will secure the availability of raw material procurement throughout 2022. Also, SAMF can meet the demand for quality and timely fertilizers received by customers.

For more information:
PT Saraswanti Anugerah Makmur Tbk